Posts about Boris Johnson

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The port of Rotterdam is ready for Brexit – is it? – Brexit explained

From January 1, 2021, all freight traffic between the European Union and the United Kingdom will be subject to customs formalities. The port of Rotterdam[…]

Business fears failure of post-Brexit negotiations – Brexit explained

There is growing concern in the German economy that the post-Brexit negotiations between the European Union and Great Britain will fail. Without a trade agreement,[…]

EU rules are intended to prevent emissions scandals – EU explained

In September 2015, it was announced that Volkswagen had massively refined the emission values ​​of diesel cars. To this day, vehicle owners are fighting for[…]

Brexit and the EURO clearing business – Brexit explained

Despite the UK’s exit from the EU, the London Stock Exchange LSE is still ahead in the euro clearing business. The fact that the clearing[…]

Aid to the EU: US Democrats warn Johnson of Brexit maneuvers – Brexit explained

The Brexiteers have high hopes for a trade agreement with the United States – but Boris Johnson is now facing strong headwinds from Washington of[…]

What changed in customs and taxes on February 1st 2020? – Brexit explained

The United Kingdom left the European Union on January 31, 2020. After the divorce agreement, it is now officially a non-EU country and therefore no[…]

Now Brussels is responding to Johnson’s provocation – Brexit explained

The EU Commission calls for a special meeting on the Brexit bill. Meanwhile, the bulldozer behavior of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is puzzling –[…]

Brexit negotiations the English way: Boris Longstocking – Brexit explained

Contract is contract? Not for Boris Johnson. The British Prime Minister uses the ultimate provocation in the struggle with the EU. Another autumn of displeasure[…]

Life is most expensive in these EU countries – EU explained

In most of the neighboring countries, life is much more expensive than in Germany. These are the EU countries with the highest cost of living[…]

4Com solves the Brexit bottleneck with the help of Itenos – Brexit explained

4Com, specialist in contact center software and a partner of Telekom Deutschland GmbH, had to act quickly: A customer affected by Brexit was forced to[…]

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