© 2025 Marc Weßeling. Kostenlos erstellt mit WordPress und Kubio
Today I want to give you some comments on the first high-level negotiations between the EU and UK. On Wednesday, the European Parliament adopted a[…]
Today I want to give you some comments on the first high-level negotiations between the EU and UK. Boris Johnson gives the EU a choice:[…]
Today I want to give you some comments on the first high-level negotiations between the EU and UK. In a video conference, Johnson, von der[…]
Today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about the newest opinion polls and the meaning for Jeremy Corbyn. I spent some[…]
And today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about the newest opinion polls. I spent some time in the UK and[…]
Und heute möchte ich für Euch aus meiner Perspektive über die Auffindbarkeit der Parteistrategien zum Brexit auf den Homepages der Parteien reden. Ich habe einige[…]
And today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about the Intentions on Brexit you can find on the Party hoempages and[…]
And today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about the Announcement of Nigel Farage, not to stand in Tory areas. I[…]
Und heute möchte ich für Euch aus meiner Perspektive über die Ankündigung von Nigel Farage, nicht in Tory-Wahlkreisen anzutreten, berichten. Ich habe einige Zeit in[…]
And today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about Nigel Farage´s decision not to stand in the general election. I spent[…]
© 2025 Marc Weßeling. Kostenlos erstellt mit WordPress und Kubio