Posts about david sassoli

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EU-Parliament calls for robust commitments and “dynamic alignment” of EU-UK rules – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the first high-level negotiations between the EU and UK. On Wednesday, the European Parliament adopted a[…]

Rock hard Boris Johnson gives EU a choice: deal in autumn or no deal – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the first high-level negotiations between the EU and UK. Boris Johnson gives the EU a choice:[…]

Boris Johnson and Dr. Ursula von der Leyen start high-level EU-UK Brexit talks – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the first high-level negotiations between the EU and UK. In a video conference, Johnson, von der[…]

Brexit and the 2019 UK Elections: Is Corbyn already lost?

Today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about the newest opinion polls and the meaning for Jeremy Corbyn. I spent some[…]

Brexit and the 2019 UK Elections: Has Boris already won?

And today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about the newest opinion polls. I spent some time in the UK and[…]

Brexit auf Deutsch: Was verraten die Parteien zur GB-Wahl 2019 zum Brexit auf ihren Webseiten?

Und heute möchte ich für Euch aus meiner Perspektive über die Auffindbarkeit der Parteistrategien zum Brexit auf den Homepages der Parteien reden. Ich habe einige[…]

Brexit and the 2019 UK Elections: What do the Party Homepages reveal about Brexit?

And today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about the Intentions on Brexit you can find on the Party hoempages and[…]

Brexit: Is Nigel Farage crazy to withdraw from half of the constituencies?

And today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about the Announcement of Nigel Farage, not to stand in Tory areas. I[…]

Brexit auf Deutsch: Ist Nigel Farage verrückt, sich aus der Hälfte der Wahlkreise zurückzuziehen?

Und heute möchte ich für Euch aus meiner Perspektive über die Ankündigung von Nigel Farage, nicht in Tory-Wahlkreisen anzutreten, berichten. Ich habe einige Zeit in[…]

Brexit: Did Nigel Farage make a mistake by not standing for the UK election?

And today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about Nigel Farage´s decision not to stand in the general election. I spent[…]

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