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Brexit consequences: Brussels warns to prepare for January 1st – Brexit explained

Half a year before the economic break with Great Britain after Brexit, the EU Commission has urged the economy to prepare for far-reaching changes. A[…]

10 Brexiteer Urban Legends unmasked: spreading headlines without facts – Brexit explained

A certain type of Brexit supporter regularly writes claims in the comments below my videos that they did not get from careful research but only[…]

Brexit, racism, transsexuals – why Labour is afraid of the cultural struggle – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the sudden early end of last weeks negotiations between the EU and the UK on the[…]

Merkel surprises Europe with a clear announcement on the German EU Presidency – EU explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the sudden early end of last weeks negotiations between the EU and the UK on the[…]

If the UK Government goes on like this: God save Britain! – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the sudden early end of last weeks negotiations between the EU and the UK on the[…]

Brexit negotiation round between the EU and the UK ended prematurely – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the sudden early end of last weeks negotiations between the EU and the UK on the[…]