Marc Weßeling
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  • donald trump

US government is dampening Britain´s hopes of big trade deals after the EU exit – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the UK-USA trade talks. Britain’s Premier Johnson had promised the British big trade deals after the EU exit. But now (...)

EU wants to push ahead digital tax, USA threatens car tariffs – European Union explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the negotiations on a global digital tax. After the withdrawal of the USA, the EU wants to push ahead with (...)

10 answers to your comments like „Did Boris lie to the EU?“ – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the repating topics in the comment section of my channel. Great Britain is now arguing over a trade agreement not (...)

Are the USA-UK trade talks worth to be so longed-for? – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the started USA-UK trade negotiations. Great Britain is now arguing over a trade agreement not only with the EU, but (...)

Falsche Gerüchte geistern umher – Brexit erklärt

Heute möchte ich für Euch aus meiner Perspektive über einige der Gerüchte reden, die aktuell rund um den Brexit und ähnlixhe Themen verbreitet werden. Ich habe einige Zeit in (...)

False rumours floating around – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments from my perspective about several rumours regarding Brexit and associated topics that are frequently repeated. I spent some time in the (...)

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