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EU explained #9: The European Parliament

In this episode of the series „EU explained“, I give you as a short overview over European Parliament. For those who are interested, I would[…]

EU explained #10: The European Commission

In this episode of the series „EU explained“, I give you as a short overview over European Commission. For those who are interested, I would[…]

EU explained #13: The European Central Bank (ECB)

In this episode of the series „EU explained“, I give you as a short overview over European Central Bank (ECB). For those who are interested,[…]

EU explained #8: The Council of the European Union

In this episode of the series „EU explained“, I give you as a short overview over the the Council of the European Union. For those[…]

EU explained #7: The Schengen Area

EU explained #7: The Schengen Area In this episode of the series „EU explained“, I give you as a short overview over the the Schengen[…]

EU explained #6: The European Customs Union

In this episode of the series „EU explained“, I give you as a short overview over the EU Customs Union. For those who are interested,[…]

EU explained #5: The European Council

In this episode of the series „EU explained“, I give you as a short overview over the EU Council. For those who are interested, I[…]

EU explained #4: The European Single Market

In this episode of the series „EU explained“, I give you as a short overview over the EU Single Market. For those who are interested,[…]

Common misunderstandings and impact on brexit discussions

For those who are interested, I would like to give an overview of the EU and its structures in this series. Normally you learn quite[…]

EU explained #2: The history of the EU

For those who are interested, I would like to give an overview of the EU and its structures in this series. Normally you learn quite[…]