Posts about german federal chancellor

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Historic EU special summit ends with agreement – European Union explained

The heads of state and government of the 27 EU countries reached an agreement early Tuesday morning on the planned reconstruction fund for countries severely[…]

What is your personal gain from being in the EU? – European Union explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the negotiations on a global digital tax. The European Union is far from being paradise. About[…]

Do we still need the EU at all? – European Union explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the European Union (EU). Many people ask „What advantage do I have because of the EU?“[…]

EU-UK negotiations stall, but a major problem was resolved almost unnoticed – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson´s relationship with the truth and why many people don´t trust him[…]

The UK and Brexit – An Island searching for its new bearing – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the ongoing Brexit negotiations between the EU and the UK and the possible consequences. I also[…]

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has an ambivalent relationship with truth – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson´s relationship with the truth and why many people don´t trust him[…]

EU wants to push ahead digital tax, USA threatens car tariffs – European Union explained

Today I want to give you some comments on the negotiations on a global digital tax. After the withdrawal of the USA, the EU wants[…]

At EU-Council the EU-UK-negotiations and Brexit were a mere footnote (Angela Merkel press conference) – Brexit explained

Today I want to give you some comments on German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel´s press conference on the last EU Council during the Croatian EU-Presidency[…]